AlphaVax Business Strategy
The Company’s corporate partnering strategy includes the partnering or the out-licensing of its srRNA proprietary alphavaccine technology for specific disease and/or antigen applications. The alphavaccine technology is based on AlphaVax’s proprietary replicon vector platform derived from attenuated strains of the alphavirus, the Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus.
AlphaVax's partners have included Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc., for Cytomegaolvirus (CMV), and certain US government agencies for specific vaccine treatments against certain viruses.
The Company's licensees outside of human health include Harris Vaccines (now part of the Merck Animal Health subsidiary, Intervet) covering vaccines for certain farmed animals and companion animals.
Exclusive licensing agreements have also been signed with the Chemical Biological Medical Systems section of the U.S. Department of Defense for the development of alphavaccines for the Filoviruses: Marburg and Ebola, and other viruses.